Step I - Stimulating Interest
The purpose of this step is to engage the students, get their attention, and introduce the concept(s) for the unit. This is accomplished by using activities that are "fun." Grabbers, stories, games, or other activities with high levels of student involvement are included. This serves as an introduction for the concept and generates enthusiasm for the entire unit.
Step II - Modeling the Concept
The purpose of this step is to model the principle or standard through the use of examples. These examples may come from children's literature, role playing, or situations from children's daily experiences. The teacher provides an explanation and directs the discussion so that the principles and standards are clearly portrayed for the students.
Step III - Integrating the Concept
The purpose of this step is to connect the new concept with the students' prior knowledge and/or experiences. The teacher will also discuss the relationship between the new concept and the other principles and standards taught in the program. This gives the concept a "conceptual home."
Step IV - Learning Link with Parents
Linking parents or guardians with the school while teaching character education is the purpose of this step. It provides an opportunity for the children and their parents to interact with regard to the program content. The parents are invited to be active participants in the homework assignments. This accomplishes three purposes: 1) the concept is reinforced as students share it and explain it to their parents, 2) parents know and can support what is being taught to their children at school, and 3) parents can supply their own connotation and perspective of the basic concepts taught in the AEGIS program.
Step V - Extending into Real Life
The purpose of this step is to apply the character education concepts to real life - the family and community in which students live. Students learn and practice key skills that enable the application of the principles and concepts. They participate in an actual application of the concept in their home, classroom, or community.